Pitching and Throwing Lessons, Hurricane, WV
Learn The Actual Pitching And Throwing Mechanics Of The Best Pitchers And Fielders
In Baseball And Fastpitch Softball
Local news station WSAZ TV talked about a survey that said 75% of baseball and softball players play with sore arms.

Congratulations to
Mike Sedberry's student Tristian Harless for being selected to play for the
2026 Philadelphia Phillies Scout Team

Of the three WV State Championship Final games only two pitchers had complete game wins.
So proud to have
Mike Sedberry's students, Gannon Morris & Ethan Spolarich, be those two pitchers to throw complete games to win the
Class A & Class AAA titles

So proud to have Five of Mike Sedberry's students to have played such significant roles in their teams run to become
WV State Champions

Congratulations to Michael Stanford, a student of Mike Sedberry, after receiving multiple college offers, for accepting a scholarship offer to pitch for
The University of California, Irvine.

Congratulations to Autumn Thompson, a student of Mike Sedberry for committing to play fastpitch softball for
West Virginia State University.

Congratulations to Marshall Pile, a student of
Mike Sedberry, after receiving multiple college offers, for committing to play baseball for the University Of Charleston

Congratulations to Blake Henry, one of Mike Sedberry's students, for committing to play baseball for Bluefield State College.

Congratulations to two of Mike Sedberry's
students, Autumn and Chelsea Thompson,
and the Sherman High School Softball Team
for winning the "A" State Championship.

Congratulations to one of Mike Sedberry's students Autumn Thompson for a record setting 2019 and for being named "Captain" of the Class A All-State First Team
17 Home runs
36 Career Home runs
0.69 ERA
.514 Batting Average
33 Wins 4 Losses
17 Shutouts
345 Strikeouts

Congratulations to one of Mike Sedberry's students Marshall Pile for being named First Team "A" All State as a hitter and a pitcher. Marshall batted .482 with 68 hits, 18 doubles, 7 triples, 1 home run, 57 runs and
38 rbi's. Pitching Marshall won 11 games with a 1.36 ERA and had 98 strikeouts in 71.2 innings

Also congratulations to Marshall Pile for a great year and helping lead Charleston Catholic to second place in the West Virginia State "A" Baseball Tournament and being named to the All Tournament team. Marshall was also first team All Kanawha Valley Baseball Team and was one of four players considered for player of the year.

Congratulations to one of Mike Sedberry's students, Garrett Gress, for being named the 2017 West Virginia High School Baseball Player Of The Year

Bad pitching instruction is making pitchers throw with their arms. When front foot plants ball is looking at 2nd base. This is just one of the many bad pitching cues being taught by almost everyone.

This is the actual arm position of the best MLB pitchers, when their front foot plants, that are very successful and don't have arm problems. The very best pitchers do the complete opposite of almost every pitching cue that is being taught to 99% of baseball pitchers today.

Picture on left is a 6 year old student learning to throw correctly. When he first came in he couldn't throw the ball 30 feet without a 10 foot high arc. Video on right shows by learning how to correctly throw the ball he is now able to throw the ball 44 MPH consistently. Amazing difference.

These 3 pictures show the worst pitching cues that are being taught to 99% of pitchers at all levels. They are flip the wrist, hello elbow and faster arm circle. Bad pitching instruction make pitchers throw mainly with their arm which results in slower speeds, less control, less movement and sore arm and shoulder.

The best pitchers in fastpitch softball do not flip their wrist, hello elbow or faster arm circle. They do something completely different like these 4 top USA pitchers. It enables them to pitch with faster speeds, better control, more movement and no arm fatigue or soreness.


Mike you have made a tremendous difference in Raelyns pitching and hitting. Before coming to you she was ready to quit because she was being taught to flip and pull like everyone else which hurt her arm and shoulder so bad we were going to the chiropractor up to 3 times per week. Her control was bad and she had a 21.00 ERA.
After the changes you made she has no shoulder or arm pain, added 4 MPH to all her pitches, now has great ball movement and control. The last 6 games she had an amazing 1.00 ERA. Best of all her arm now is pain free and she is excited about playing. Wow what a turnaround! Thank you Cindi Adkins

Before (top) and After (bottom) Photos

My name is Michael Stanford and I am playing baseball at the University of California, Irvine. In 2018 I tore my UCL and needed Tommy John surgery. I was behind schedule with my recovery process because I was still having elbow pain. My father, David Stanford played baseball with Mike Sedberry in High School and reached out to him for help. Mike didn't hesitate to fly out to Texas for 3 days and help me with my mechanics to help prevent my elbow pain and potentially another surgery. After I threw a bullpen Mike identified the problems causing my arm pain which were balancing, throwing over the top, pulling down, all things I had wrongly been taught. Mike showed me a much better way to pitch and after only three days I was able to throw with NO ARM PAIN and I truly felt a big difference in velocity, ball control and ball movement. I told Mike "you're a genius, you have figured out the best way to teach pitching". After working with Mike it made me believe that I would be able to pitch again after not being able to for a over a year, I owe Mike so much.
This is in appreciation of what Mike Sedberry has done for our son Michael. He started rehabbing 8 months after having Tommy John surgery and was still having elbow pain which made us worry about him pitching again. After hearing the same crap from so many pitching coaches I reached out to my old buddy Mike Sedberry to get his thoughts. After sending Mike some pitching videos and numerous phone conversations of Mike explaining what our son was doing wrong he agreed to come out to Texas for a 3 day crash course and help Michael get on track. The difference in Michael's pitching in just those 3 days was mind boggling. Fast forward 415 days from his arm injury to Michael's first college game back and it was story book, he struck out all five hitters he faced. He is now pitching pain free (we would have been very happy with just that) and his control now is off the charts in 13 2/3 innings he has 0 walks. His ball now has more movement, he's throwing a heavy ball, and his velocity is much higher from 87 mph to 93 mph!!!
Supposedly we have been to some of the best pitching coaches in Texas, North Carolina, and South Carolina but trust me... they can't touch what Mike Sedberry is teaching. Below are his first 4 game stats and keep in mind that a high percentage of junior college batters that he is facing will play Division 1 baseball or get drafted. One thing you have to understand is our son bought into what Mike is teaching 100% , worked hard at it and the results speak for themselves. David Stanford
Update: Michael Stanford accepted a scholarship offer to pitch for The University of California, Irvine starting the 2021 season

Michael first Game back

Michael Game 2

Michael Game 3

Michael Game 4 And First Win
Mike Sedberry, you are the only one teaching pitching the way it should be taught and it has made an amazing difference in the way Wes is pitching. I was against him pitching because the way he was being taught (all the things you say not to do) his arm hurt so much, almost all the other pitchers had sore arms, and a couple kids we played with even ended up getting arm surgery. It blows my mind that, because of what we learned from you, he is throwing so much harder with better control and his arm doesn't hurt anymore. He now has a moving fastball and all of his other pitches are moving so much more than ever. The way you teach pitching is so different and so much better than anything else being taught. Gary Medley


My daughter was the no. 3 pitcher as a sixth grader on her middle school softball team. By the time the season began the following spring she was the starting pitcher for her team. This happened because, with Mike Sedberry's help, Matti increased her pitching speed from 45 mph to a consistent 53-54 mph in just 5 lessons. She also had a very noticeable increase in movement and accuracy with her pitches. Mike is the only instructor I know that gives a true one solid hour of hands on training along with video records he uses to help instruct his students. Mike simplifies the proper mechanics of pitching and hitting so my daughter and I can fully understand what he is trying to get her to accomplish. Bob Parks


What Mike Sedberry has done for Kiersten's pitching and hitting is amazing. We were working on what everyone was telling us, faster arm circle and snap the wrist. She was really struggling and couldn't get past 36 mph. Mike showed us the best players do nothing we were being told. We worked on his changes and she is now averaging over 57 mph on her fastball sometimes hitting 59 and over. She looks so effortless and the other pitches he has taught her so far (change up, drop, drop curve, screwball and rise ball) make her even harder to hit against. In her last 25 1/3 innings (last 76 outs) she has 71 strikeouts and has only given up 12 hits. The way you teach pitching and seeing these results blow my mind. Jason Edge


After *****
Working with other pitching coaches we found Luke spending more time icing his sore arm than pitching. We found Mike and in the first lesson we knew we found Luke's trainer. Mike illustrated through side by side comparisons the correct pitching mechanics versus Luke's mechanics he had been taught. The correct mechanics included throwing from the correct arm angle (not over the Top), getting his entire body involved and how to pitch with a purpose. His arm pain disappeared! This translated to sustainable gains (increased speed 10 to 12 mph) more movement and consistent strikes with his fast ball, change up and curve. Sam Buckner


When I started my 10 year old daughter with Mike Sedberry she had been an average hitter and pitcher. Several instructors taught her "faster arm circle" and "snap the wrist" during pitching. After the very first video lesson with Mike it was obvious these characteristics are not what the most successful professionals and college pitchers and hitters are doing. At a recent tournament in Ashland, Kentucky Tatum pitched three “no hitters” and had another home run, bringing her home run count to 9. She just reached her personal best of 53 mph. We give all the credit to Mike for her success. Thank you Mike , Allen Halley
My son's pitching was bad. His middle school pitching coach wanted him to balance, throw over the top and snap his arm down at release. Your site said this is wrong. His arm had been hurting. You video taped him pitching the first lesson and told us he was losing speed, control and he would have arm problems if he continued to pitch this way. The fastest he had been clocked before was 46 mph. In just 5 lessons he is up to 54 mph. His arm doesn't hurt anymore and the last game he had 10 strikeouts in 5 innings. You are a miracle worker the way you teach pitching. I never would believe he could throw this hard, have this much success and have no arm problems, before you. Thanks for everything. Roger G.
Almost everyday baseball and fastpitch softball pitchers and fielders come in wanting to learn how to throw harder and not keep getting a sore arm. This is only happening because of very bad instruction. These arm problems DO NOT need to happen with correct pitching mechanics.
The problem is bad pitching mechanics are being taught to baseball and fastpitch softball players by 99% of pitching coaches, instructors, former High School, College and pro players, at High School, College, pro pitching camps, by other parents, in instructional books and videos. They think velocity comes from arm strength and arm speed. Almost every pitching cue, warm up program and drill that pitchers and fielders are taught causes BAD throwing mechanics. Sadly, these pitching cues and drills lead to a decrease in speed, control, less ball movement and an increase in arm soreness and injury.
In BASEBALL these are the bad pitching and throwing cues being taught to almost every player.
When stride knee comes up balance on back leg
When front foot lands ball is looking at 2nd base (shown above)
When front foot lands glove is pointed to home plate
Take chest to glove when throwing
Twist or rotate hips
Throwing elbow goes up above shoulder when throwing
Faster arm for more speed
Throw over the top
Pull down arm and snap wrist at release
If you are learning any of these you will not throw as hard as you should, your control will suffer and you will put much more stress on your shoulder and elbow. The last few years we are seeing many more arm injuries and Tommy John surgeries, as young as 11 years old, mainly because baseball pitchers and fielders are being taught the worst throwing cues above.
In FASTPITCH SOFTBALL these are the bad pitching cues being taught to 99% of pitchers.
Faster arm circle for more speed
Ball looking at 2nd base when front foot lands
Snap or flip wrist at release (shown above)
Pronate wrist or hand out at release
Rotate hips at release
Hello elbow or scoop the ice cream after release (shown above)
Almost every new pitcher that comes in (99%) is doing most or all of the above bad pitching cues. They reduce a pitchers speed an average of five or more miles per hour, hurts their control and also puts much more added stress on the arm and shoulder. Most new pitchers add 1 to 2 miles per hour in the first lesson because the difference is amazing when you learn what the best pitchers really do.
Mike Sedberry's Baseball And Fastpitch
Softball Pitching Academy
If you want to become the very best pitcher you can be, you want to learn the exact mechanics of what the best pitchers actually do in baseball and fastpitch softball that don't get sore arms. You will be surprised how, with the correct pitching mechanics, you can throw harder, have much more ball movement, better control and help prevent arm soreness and injury.
Even in pro baseball most pitchers are taught bad pitching mechanics which is the reason for so many having arm soreness, arm and shoulder injuries and even leading to Tommy John surgery.
You will learn about pitch movement, changing speeds and game management to become a more successful and confident pitcher. We also use a radar gun so you can see the increase in your velocity as you learn these traits.
We also offer throwing lessons for all players that want to learn how to correctly throw the ball harder with more accuracy and no stress on their arm.
All new students are video taped so they can see what their pitching or throwing motion looks like now compared to the very best in baseball and fastpitch softball. You will see frame by frame how the best add more speed, control and look so effortless. I will show you what we will be working on in the lesson so you can use your body like the very best. Most students and parents are able to see a tremendous difference even in the first lesson.
If you want to work on pitching or throwing and hitting the first time we suggest a 1 1/2 hour video lesson where we will do the same as above for both. Afterward you can do a 1 hour lesson to work on both.
The video is very important because everyone will see you are learning the exact mechanics of the best pitchers in baseball and fastpitch softball.
Long distance lessons
We have students and parents that drive 3 hours or more from all over West Virginia, Ohio , Kentucky and Virginia for lessons. Most come in and take lessons over a two day period. We have special rates for our lessons and a local hotel. They come to us because they are learning the same bad pitching and hitting cues in their area and their kids aren't reaching their full potential. They are excited to see their kids swing or pitch compared to a Major League or Team USA player. They are amazed that it is so different from what they have been learning. When they see how much better they get in just two days of lessons they are blown away. Now they are on their way to reaching their full potential. Call 304-722-6393 for more information.
PRICES for personal 1 on 1 lessons
1/2 hour lesson $25
1 hour lesson $45
1 1/2 hour video lesson $70 for pitching and hitting
Call 304-722-6393 for more information or to schedule your lesson.
We have special pricing for teams and groups of 2 or more students.